Anyway, on to New Orleans. Don and I went into New Orleans yesterday and did a walk-about. I love the french quarter with its architecture and interesting lifestyle. I wanted to tour one of the old homes but it was closed, so we went to the aquarium and just walked the streets since Don is not into museums. At the aquarium we pet a stingray, saw loys of fish, sharks, penguins, and otters. We also watched an IMAX movie titled "Wild Ocean" in 3-D about the sardine run on the east coast of Africa. It was cool. We saw a few sidewalk musicians and performers. I liked the man who had marionettes that sang, danced, and played the guitar to music. I have posted a few pictures for you. Unfortunately, the poverty is still evident and you can tell which areas suffered the most during Katrina.

Today I am hoping to do a tour of some of the plantation homes. Hopefully the rain will either stay as showers or stop altogether. Stay tuned...