In a previous post I mentioned how much I love the mountains and never got tired of watching them. While the views were spectacular, the best part was family. It was the first time in many, many years that Stephen and I have spent more one-on-one time together. Usually we are so busy between children and our professions that we have not really been relaxed to just enjoy each other's company. We often did not need a lot of words - it was just great to be around each other, something I hope can happen again.
I have always admired Stephen's passion for helping others so it did not surprise me that I saw this side of him camping as he took on the camp host role. He never was quick in doing his rounds in which he was suppose to count how many registered visitors there were are remind those who have not registered to do so. Stephen took his time to talk to the campers and get to know something about them. He also helped them with their difficulties. One was a motorcylclist who had hit a deer. He and his bike were quit banged up and Stephen spent time mending both.
I also enjoy watching Stephen with his children - laughing with them, singing with them, playing with them, and talking with them. We all remember Stephen in his childhood, getting into all kinds of interesting situations all due to his curiosity and wreckless abandon. As an adult, it is good to see that he has not really lost that side of him. He is a true child at heart and I hope thia isnever lost. Stephen is a sensitive and understanding caregiver and I'm sure that his children will be fine, caring adults due to his influence.

Playing in the Kootney River

"The Criminal"
Fort Steele
I also enjoy watching Stephen with his children - laughing with them, singing with them, playing with them, and talking with them. We all remember Stephen in his childhood, getting into all kinds of interesting situations all due to his curiosity and wreckless abandon. As an adult, it is good to see that he has not really lost that side of him. He is a true child at heart and I hope thia isnever lost. Stephen is a sensitive and understanding caregiver and I'm sure that his children will be fine, caring adults due to his influence.

I loved spending quality time, whether it be just sitting around the campsite or playing a game, with Nathan and Kathryn. It's wonderful to see how Nathan is growing up to be a a fun-loving, friendly person who is smart and has a strong sense of self and of right and wrong. Kathryn is a risk taker who has a zest for learning, loves asking questions, and wants to be as grown up and do the same things as the rest of her siblings. This time with them is time well cherished.