When Gayle took me up to the mountains we also went to the Columbian Icefield in Jasper. Such a "cool" place. It was interesting to learn all about the glaciers and the shaping of the Rockies. There were trees there that are 300 years old and only about six feet tall. There was another patch of trees that were 8oo years old and only about eight feet tall. They harshness of the mountain environment with winter-like conditions almost year round makes for an extremely short growing season - I think they said about six weeks! The day we went was actually a warm day - 15 degrees.
Nathan and I took a tour bus out onto the glacier. It was one of these buses that are used in the oil industry on these humongous wheels. Nathan was excited because his family has only visited the toe before. We saw big horned sheep on the side of the road. I tried getting pictures of them through the bus window. Hopefully they will turn out and I can show you them at another time.
On our way back down the highway we stopped in Lake Louise to see the famous Fairmont Hotel. We also stopped in Banff for dinner. We ate at the Old Spaghetti Factory in the open area section. Eating spaghetti looking out at the mountains - life couldn't be better! A couple days before when Joanne took me to the mountains I saw the other famous Fairmont hotel, Banff Springs, and the Canadian Place owned by the government (Canada House?) and used for summits and retreats. I preferred the Banff Springs hotel to Lake Louise because of the rocks/bricks used in constructing the buildings. They look more historic.
Anyway, now that I have rambled on and on and on, it is probably time to say aurevoir. I will be traveling into the BC interior for camping with Stephen and Gayle and the kids. We are hoping to go to Head-Smashed-in Buffalo Jump (I love saying that!), the Frank Slide and the Crowsnest pass. These are all historic places. I will write again when I get home. So.... toodles for now and speak to you soon!