Sunday, March 30, 2008
Earth Hour
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ottawa, Part III - Canadian War Museum
The last interesting place we went to was the Deifenbunker - the cold war bunker for the national goverment and military. Each province also had bunkers, but this one was the main one in the country. When we entered we were lead down a long tunnel to the main entrance. The tunnel kept going up the other side so that if a bomb fell the pressure would go along the tunnel and out the other end. Before we went in through the entrance there was a nuclear bomb on display.
As we entered we were taken through the decontamination area where there were showers for those who may have radiation. In the same area was the medical facilities to deal with possible radiation burns. One of the rooms in the area was built so that it could be locked down from the outside so peoople inside could not get out. This came in handy in case someone went a little crazy with being too long in the bunker.
It amazed me how this place was built and maintained until the late 90's in secrecy. I was surprised at how basic the life would be down there. I guess I thought it would be a little more elaborate with couches and nicer furniture since the Hitler bunker was somewhat elaborate for its time. Below is a picture of the Prime Minister's bedroom, a radio room, and the cabinet room. Notice how small the cabinet room is - only select ministers would be included in the inner circle. The rest were out of luck!
This is the end - that's all there is folks!
Ottawa, Part II
A Whirl-Wind Visit to Ottawa
Monday, March 17, 2008
I Know Spring Has Arrived in Brampton When...
1. Just when you think the cold weather is behind us, we get one last blast of winter (will it ever end?).
2. The snow is replaced by rain and more rain and more rain.
3. You sink into a foot of mud.
4. Don comes home from work covered from head to toe in mud (he works in construction).
5. The smell of mud is in the air.
6. The smell of manure drifts across from the farmers' fields.
7. The smell of skunks scared off by neighbourhood dogs.
8. The cat sits at the back door and cries to get out, and out, and out.
9. The cat's fur comes out in clumps instead of a few hairs at a time.
10. Don hides in the basement to avoid the necessary yard work.
11. BBQs are already on sale in the stores.
12. Buying daffodils for cancer research.
13. Watching Blue Jay baseball. Remember the cold spring games at the CNE exhibition stadium and couples making out under blankets?
14. Neighbours coming out of their winter cocoons to socialize with one another.
15. Clean cars - well, no salt cars. They are muddy instead!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
More Snow Pictures: Can You Believe it is MARCH?!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Still Walkin in a Winter Wonderland